
After being shot by police with six rubber bullets, a 54 year old woman from the Kennedy Road settlement, “For that thing they have done for me, I’m not stopping to fight for government for my rights.  Now, THEY MAKE ME BRAVE.  I’m not turning back anymore”

The abject poverty in South Africa’s townships leaves many people speechless. The complexity of the situation leaves even those who “understand” a little confused. There is no black and white answer, no easy solutions. However, after seeing this video on youtube, we wanted to give you the opportunity to hear from the people themselves.   CHOSA currently sponsors two preschools in areas just like this in Cape Town.

The South African Constitution guarantees adequate housing as a right of all citizens.   Many South Africans still live in shacks with minimal (if any) access to clean water, toilets, trash collection, street lights or electricity.  Up to 500 people share one outdoor latrine.

If you have 15 minutes, please take a look.
